ME Showcase 2024 Agenda

Arrivals & Registrations
Showcasing the Best Use of Behavioural Science

Joined by Cowry Consulting, we'll take a look at their work with Tesco Bank, showcasing the quality ways in which financial services brands can utilise the power of behavioural science.

Consultant Director
Cowry Consulting
Senior Customer Value Manager
Tesco Bank
Running an Effective B2C Integrated Campaign

The PLSA & ABI will walk us through their award-winning Pay Your Pension Some Attention campaign with Big Zuu, and delve into the ins and outs of running a successful consumer-facing integrated campaign.

Deputy Director – Policy
Head of Campaigns and Marketing
Building an Effective Content Marketing Strategy

This session, Director of Moreish Marketing Simon Martin takes us through their winning entry, as well as their healthy smattering of Highly Commended entries! 

Moreish Marketing
Account Director
Moreish Marketing
Entering This Year's Awards

We will walk everyone through the applications process for the Awards for Marketing Effectiveness 2024, and answer any questions you may have about entering or submitting your entries for this year’s competition.

Networking & Departures
For Event Information
Gill Excell
Event Manager
020 7484 9769
For Speaker Enquiries
Tom Williams
Conference Producer
0207 484 9737