Follow these steps to help you complete your online entry.
1. Select the category you would like to enter (additional categories can be added to the form in a later stage)
2. If you have used the online form before, enter your log in details. If you are new to the system, create an account. You will be able to use these log in details to use our websites in future.
3. If you are new to the system you will need to validate your email address before proceeding any further. Once clicking on the link in your validation email you will be directed to your ‘dashboard’. From here you must go to ‘Basket’
4. From here you will see a drop down list of the categories that are available for entry. Please select the first category you’d like to enter and press ‘add selected’
5. You will then see your entry form appear below. Please complete the necessary fields – you can leave fields empty and come back to it later if you wish.
6. Press ‘Save for later’ if you’re either:
a. Ready to submit
b. Ready to start a second entry
c. Have done as much of your entry as possible and would like to come back to it
7. If you would like to add another entry follow these steps (if you’d like to submit jump to point number 8)
a. In Basket select your second category from the drop down list
b. Click ‘Add Selected’
c. Complete your form and press ‘save for later’
8. If you’d like to move your saved items into submitted, all fields must be completed. Click ‘Move to Basket’ on your completed entry. Your entry will be added into your ‘Basket’.
9. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, tick the consent box and press continue
10. Here you will be asked to complete further details about yourself. Press complete and your entry will be submitted!