Arrivals & Registrations
Opening Remarks
Manging Director
The Financial Services Forum
The Evolving Building Society Landscape and the Implications for Marketers

This session will focus on transformation across the building society market with a focus on the core banking tech and the implications for customers and the marketing stakeholders.

Technology Advisory Partner and Architect
Banking Technology Partner
Digitisation in Building Societies: Embracing Cloud Based Platforms & AI

Building societies are embracing digital transformation to remain competitive and stay relevant. This session will explore strategies for success to adopt and utilise MarTech solutions that offer scalability, adaptability, and cost-effectiveness. From reducing operational inefficiency to improving customer experiences and onboarding, to the launch of new products and offerings, VASS will uncover the opportunities and challenges MarTech solutions have on building societies in the digital age.

Managing Director
Success Stories - Part 1

“We are all about you”: How Wesleyan is building a reputation as a mutual with edge.

What does it mean to be on the customer’s side in 2024? Claire Oldstein will share insights from Wesleyan’s campaign to champion the interests of its members.

Marketing Director
Success Stories - Part 2

Michelle will talk about Coventry Building Society’s rebrand and how it is telling the story of mutuality to a new generation.

Head of Marketing
Coventry Building Society
Building for the Future: What Next for Mutuals?

This session will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the building society sector.

- What does “mutual” mean to customers today?

- Defining mutuality for a new generation

- Balancing innovation with inclusion

- The future of the branch

- Finding the right channels

Independent Board Advisor/Economist & Former Head of Future Ventures
Head of Marketing
The West Brom
Head of External Affairs
Building Societies Association
Chief Revenue Officer
Phoebus Software
Networking & Nibbles
For Event Information
Gill Excell
Event Manager
020 7484 9769
For Speaker Enquiries
Tom Williams
Conference Producer
0207 484 9737