Arrivals & Registration
The Skillsets of the Future

With rapid evolution in technology and data, marketers need to know more than ever before. The modern marketer must be an adept digital content specialist, web developer, AI prompt engineer, publisher, editor… The list goes on. To keep ahead of the curve and remain relevant, what are the skill sets and knowledge that marketers will need to know within the next 5 years?

Marketing Director
Royal London Asset Management
Ernst & Young LLP
From Automation To AI: Finding the Low-Hanging Fruit

Rising costs and expectations are clashing with dwindling budgets, and the conundrum marketers currently face seems to have no answer. As automation becomes more accessible and cost-effective, could it be the panacea that marketers are looking for to bring productivity up whilst keeping costs down?

Global Head of Growth & Digital Marketing
Digital and Marketing Enablement EMEA, Vice President
T. Rowe Price
Coffee & Networking Break
New Horizons: The Media Buying Landscape

The demand for full service, data-led agencies is rising, evidenced by the likes of Schroders and BNY Mellon swapping out their media agencies. As more businesses look towards data and digital, what does the emerging media landscape mean for asset managers and agencies alike?

Head of Sales - South - Local & Development
Managing Partner
COO, Chief Strategist & Member of the Board
Fundamental Media
Brand: Quantifying the Qualitative

In a world where data is king, how do you prove the value of brand and creativity without quantifiable metrics? In this session, we will learn some of the new ways in which marketers can attribute value to brand and quantify the value of creative, proving their worth to those in the C-suite.

Creative & Media Partnership Director, UK
Networking & Departures