Arrivals & Registrations
Keeping It Old School

With so many flashy new channels out there, could there still be value in the overlooked channels we've all become accustomed to? What are the merits of targeted email campaigns, newsletters and other "older" distribution channels, and in what scenarios might they retain an edge over their more recent contemporaries?

Chief Customer Officer
New Kids on the Block

With so many new, incoming channels entering the arena, such as social media, online video content and digital technologies, how can you innovatively use them and judge which tools are the right ones for you?

Senior Digital Campaigns Officer
Association of British Insurers
Coffee & Networking Break
Listening In

Could a podcast be the right fit for you? We look at how podcasts have helped a range of wealth managers and other finance professionals target a new segments of their audience, along with everything that goes into creating and maintaining a successful podcast.

Group Head of Corporate Communications
Brooks Macdonald
Group Head of Marketing EMEA
Instinctif Partners
Marketing Consultant
AIG Life
Evolving Your Content Strategy

From a marketer's perspective, what are the challenges you need to face internally before you can even begin to explore new channels, how do you overcome them, and how do you roadmap the evolution of your strategy?

Networking & Departures