David Smith is Chief Executive and Futurist at Global Futures and Foresight, a futures research firm which he has led for the past 18 years. He has over 35 years of marketing, leadership, and strategy experience, in global IT and IT services firms and was responsible for the strategy of a $2bn global financial services business. His focus has been on the Insurance industry and London Market for many decades.
He is a regular speaker at finance and insurance, business schools and association events worldwide, addressing over 40 conferences a year. He publishes forward-looking reports each year and recently “The Intelligent Era” highlighting the impact of a range of increasingly powerful technologies, including artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things and immersive technologies and considers how we might respond.
He is a member of the IT Lab of the US Professional Insurance Agents association, futures director at IORMA, the consumer organisation and member of the National Club.